Tag Archives: Batitude


How about a small, simple definition for strength? Ability. To be strong is to have ability. In life, in the gym, and in relationships. The ability to overcome the physical, emotional, or subjective obstacles that hinder our progress as human beings. That is strength – Todd Hargrove

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“The most effectual means of preventing all the disadvantages and evil consequences of a neglected exercise of body and muscles is methodical physical training” – George Hackenschmidt

Muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, mobility, explosive power, grip strength, reaction timing, a strong back, neck and bones thickened from vigorous physical demands are the way of the Bat.

Strength training (also known as Resistance Training) is a kind of voluntary temporary stress imposed upon the body in order to stimulate growth of the heart and lungs, muscle tissue, tendon, ligaments and bones.

Growth in physical culture and in Life comes from Resistance. No Resistance = No Growth

We endure voluntary stress, in our own way, in order to be more capable.
So that in times of in-voluntary stress, we are physically and mentally more adapted to the unpredictable circumstances of life that challenge us beyond our everyday norms.

Our body is our slave and must listen to our mental commands. A weak mind produces a weak body. Doing nothing is an insurance policy in failure. There are many ways to strengthen ones body, mind and spirit freely available.

The Batman employs as many as he is able to, and why should we not do the same?

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For a man to be truly strong, in addition to correct physical training he must also posses something intangible and priceless that can not be taught by even the greatest of teachers – the will to be strong. – George Hackenschmidt

Bloody Bruce Wayne


The Batman forges his strength of will in the heart of his suffering. His will power, as a self willed man is almost unparalled (notable others being Lex Luthor and Hal Jordan). His mind set, will and determination are key characteristics of his psyche.

From suffering and tragedy comes greatness for The Batman. Not all human beings can turn their most painful experiences into reasons for being and living beyond ordinary conditions. Without pain, struggle and sacrifice, life would be meaningless. Without difficulty, Bruce Wayne would lack the capacity to rise above the conditions of his life.

From resistance comes strength.

Strength of of the body, strength of the mind, strength of the will and psyche.

Properly exercised and exorcised, The Batman’s mind is his greatest weapon in the unrelenting struggle not just for against evil and for survivial, but against the unrelenting chaos of an unfair universe and existence itself.

Bruce Wayne has develeoped supreme determination, forbearance and concentration.  From hells heart he stabs at thee.

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“Vulnerability is not winning or losing- it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness – it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.” – Brene Brown

Being vulnerable means being open to life. It means growing up and showing up, daring to act rather than hide away and attempt nothing. Life can and will kick you in the balls (or uterus), and any time you dare to achieve anything, you are going to be vulnerable to your own doubts and insecurities, as well as those looking to take you down a peg in the arena of life. As Brene Brown said in Rising Strong “We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time”.

Being vulnerable means not running from our own emotions and daily challenges in life, but facing them and knowing that we will likely fail more often than we succeed.

Being vulnerable is not limited to suffering, we find vulnerability in joy, vulnerability in  confidence and all aspects of life. To live is be vulnerable. To pretend otherwise is ignorance.

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“We can always better understand and appreciate a man’s real character by the manner in which he conducts himself towards those who are the most nearly related to him, and by his transaction of the seemingly commonplace details of daily duty, than by his public exhibition of himself” – Samuel Smiles

“No man is bound to be rich or great – nor to be wise; but every man is bound to be honest” – Sir Benjamin Rudyard

Aside from Batman’s well known physical attiributes and strength of will, one of his greatest strengths is his personal character. Known to superheroes and villains alike for his honesty, integrity and willingness to sacrifice himself or save a life for a principle. The Batman’s character is beyond reproach. Even his enemies know this to be so.


But what is CHARACTER? Character is the overall qualities or atttributes of an object or thing. Applied to living human beings such as Batman however, it is a combination of all his qualities and things that make him distinct and unique.

Attributes such as Honesty, Integrity, Reliability – in addition to the Batman’s virtues and vices. The Batman’s reputation is well established in the DC Universe, and few would doubt his word or true motivations, such is his character. His personality, his motivations and most of all his actions add up to his personal character.

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The purpose of developing Compassion is not to avoid difficulties – it is quite the opposite. Compassion is about having the courage and the strength to turn towards pain and difficulty within ourselves or for others, because this is what is needed. – Dr Andreas Comninos,  Clinical Psychologist

The Batman perhaps more than anyone is motivated by a desire for people not to suffer.

His own experiences mean when he encounters someone suffering whom he can help he acts from a place of choiceless awareness. Without compassion The Batman would be an unfeeling unsympthetic monster, or a remorseless killing machine.

Compassion distinguishes The Batman from other vigilantes and creatures of the night, making him a unique force for good while operating in the shadows and underbellies of society.

Compassion is seen by the weak and selfish as a weakness, but for those such as Bruce Wayne who have and develop their compassion for their fellow human beings, it is truly a Strength among Strengths.

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denny batman quote


Todd Hargrove Quote on Strength:



Samuel Smiles quote from “Character”, page #15

George Hackenschmidt quotes from “The Way to Live in Health and Physical Fitness”

Compassion Quote from Mindfulness and Clinical Psychology Solutions


The Art of Failing Better: A Lesson in Perseverance from Batman

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“The more we TRY to impress others, the less natural we are, the less flow we experience and the less power we have.

Consequently, the more we try the more we fail. And when we try even harder, we end up even more frustrated. ” Matt ‘the man’ Furey

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Fail more, fail better.

Failure is feedback.

Failure is daring greatly while being open to the results of our own experiences free of any external judgments.

Batman don’t fuck around, he takes what he knows, and he adds to it daily.

The daily step by step process of learning / doing / applying.

What works… persists,

What doesn’t… falls away.


It’s an ongoing experiment in living that is unique and individual to all of us.

What works for me might not work for you.

What works for you, might not work for me.

What works for Batman might not work for us.



Batman is Zen and the I Ching and Superman and costumed underpants on the outside and the mythical unknown Underverse all rolled up into one big ball of might, supreme willpower strength and surrender. He’s a costumed maniac who harnesses unknown forces and makes them his bitch. He takes knowledge and skills and transforms them for his own unique purposes, as only he can do.

He is ordinary yet mysterious.

Super, yet human.

He gives Superman a headache.

Batman runs circles around the JLA with his strategies, contingencies and thinking of every last possible stupid fucking scenario while they piss into the wind.

His super power is his will power, it’s how he can beat Superman and Wonder Woman on a Tuesday, and break for lunch before being back in Gotham for the afternoon.

Batman is pure imagination and willpower given physical form.

He places no limits on his knowledge, skills, abilities and most important his IMAGINATION.

The theoretical, the unknown, the unlikely, the improbably probable.

The improbable and crazy shit we ought not to think about, Batman has already thought about and executed multiple plans for. But he’s not unbeatable, he’s just unreasonably prepared.


Batman might be successfully preventing a crime in a dark alley tonight…

But in times past nearly lost his life to an ordinary street punk with a gun, or that time he got his ass handed to him by a time travelling cyborg, or smashed in a Predator’s face out of pure frustration with a baseball bat when all his high tech methods failed and he was left for dead, rescued by Alfred.


Batman might prepare for everything, but he still routinely encounters the unknown, and he fails.

A lot.

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The thing about Batman is, he’s like a bad smell that you just can’t get rid of. Beaten, broken and bloodied – he doesn’t give up. He goes away, plans, comes up with new strategies to beat that unbeatable enemy. His mind is his greatest weapon. He still makes rash impulsive decisions – being a man of action – and has to live with the consequences.

His failures are numerous and un-countable. But he keeps marching forward, each day a new opportunity to make a difference in the world.

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He will always have more failures than successes because he is always trying something new, always learning and adding to his skills. Always creating new obstacles and adverse situations for himself to rise and overcome.


Rarely are we ever successful at something right away.

It’s that stubborn, stick at it, never tire or repetition Batitude that makes the difference.

The important thing is not that Batman tries, or succeeds at anything. The thing to remember is that he fails. All the time. He doesn’t let any fear of the unknown stop him from taking action. He embraces the failures, each and every one as valued feedback.

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We can learn from that and use it on our own lives. And the thing is, trying to do something, or failing over and over doesn’t mean we will succeed at something. It’s easy and soft to have a “feel good” philosophy that makes us feel better. But it’s wrong and it won’t do shit to help you when you are at your worst. Pretty ideas won’t help you.

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Life is hard, sometimes it kicks you in the gut and laughs at you for even attempting to do anything at all.

Life is painful, and we’re going to suffer whether we want to or not.

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Trying over and over does’t equal success.

It might sometimes.

But most of the time it doesn’t.

Embracing failure doesn’t mean giving up, or trying to call every failure a “success”, it means accepting more often than not, our actions have little to no potency.

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When you get to there, and you KEEP going, then you’ve got something.

Then you are tapping into the Will of the Bat. When you accept that most of the the time you are going to fail and going to suffer, and that life can be damn tough – but you’re going to get off your ass, and do what you can anyway to make a difference in your own life and those you are responsible for, well that my friends is tapping into BATITUDE.

Then you move beyond simple labels, ideas and words. You move into the FLOW of life.

The more we TRY to impress others, the less natural we are, the less flow we experience and the less power we have.

Consequently, the more we try the more we fail. And when we try even harder, we end up even more frustrated. ” Matt ‘the man’ Furey

You stop simply “trying” to do things, and move into taking conscious actions, you inhabit your body and move with grace and power. Your actions, words and ideas flow together as a seamless whole. You embrace whatever life throws at you, without labeling it, justifying it, or resisting it. You simple live, breathe, move, and act without hesitation in whatever direction you need to right now, according to the best data you have on hand.


Batman doesn’t whine like a little bitch when things go wrong. He don’t complain when life leaves him bleeding with broken bones and puking his guts up after suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of one of his numerous enemies.

He says, “It’s my fault… what could I have done differently…?

I could have done more, I could have been better, I could have been more prepared…

but I was not good enough this time.”

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Batman is committed to being better today, than he was yesterday.

Complaining when things don’t go his way doesn’t enter into his values. It’s a waste time, waste of effort, waste of life that could be better channeled and focused toward his unwavering commitment to excellence at all levels.

When Batman loses, for whatever reason he ask himself: How am I deficient? What can I improve upon that is going to increase my chances of getting a different result next time.

You can see it in his eyes.

When his enemies think he is beaten for good, in his mind he’s looking for a way out, a way forward, any bit of leverage he can get and when he does get it, he’s going to act swiftly, without mercy nor hesitation. That imagination, steely determination and force of will that silently says “Fuck you, only I SAY WHEN I’M DONE, not you and nothing else in the world gets to tell me that”

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Win or lose, it’s all feedback. The list of battles we must face in daily life is endless. Almost infinite. What is our one bit of inconsequential effort and struggle in the grand scheme of things.

It’s like nothing. Dust in the wind.

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We can’t win at everything, all the time. Even succeeding at anything half the time is pretty good. It’s delusional to believe we can always be at our best.

We can’t.

But we still turn up, we still act, we still take a shot, we take our chances.

We keep our mind sharp, we stack the odds in our favor by turning up to face the challenges that come every day, rather than shrinking in fear. We relentless pummel and hammer away each day at lifes difficulties. We make small incremental improvements in our skills that are almost invisible. We attempt to expand our skills at all times in our chosen arena. We beat the stupid out of ourselves one blow at a time. We own all of our bad behavior, taking an honest look at ourselves in the mirror and say:


We renew our vow, our eternal war on our own ignorance, and to being a little better today than we were yesterday.

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*Batman vs Predator panel from Batman vs Predator Collected Edition, 1993, DC Comics.

*Batman and Grendel panel from Batman/Grendel Devil’s Bones, 1992, DC Comics

*Arkham Origins concept art New Gotham Diamond District by Meinert Hansen, DC Comics, Warner Bros interactive Entertainment

*Arkham City  concept art Gotham Skyline, 2011 DC Comics, Warner Bros interactive Entertainment

*Alfred/Batman panel from Batman, DC Comics

*Joker kicking Aquaman from Legends of the DC Universe #26, 2000, DC Comics

*Rooftop Batman by Jharren – https://www.deviantart.com/jharren

*Dusty Batman by James Bousema – https://www.deviantart.com/jamesbousema

*Hulk crushing little man’s spine from Batman vs The Incredible Hulk, 1981, Published by DC and Marvel

*Batman/Scarecrow image from Dark Knight Detective mini-series, 2005, DC Comics

*Batman Vow from  Dark Knight Detective mini-series, 2005, DC Comics

*Bruce Wayne eyes from Batman Eternal #51, 2015, DC Comics

*Batman in Cemetery image from Shadow of the Batman #2, 1986, DC Comics

Unstoppable Batman, Unbeatable Batitude, Unbeatable YOU

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Batman is the ultimate introvert.

He’s this shy awkward kid who never finished growing up.

But then he puts on his bat-suit and he takes on all the confidence and courage, and other typically positive male qualities that he can muster and channels it into this relentless dark force for good.

We can use that kind of courage and make-believe in our own lives.

I used to train in Ju-Jitsu for several years, and every year or so we would have a grading (test of your skills and knowledge so far) and each time I would have to project total courage and confidence. As well as practicing all the required skills for endless hours.

It was tough.

I didn’t use to have a lot of either, toughness or CON-fidence – well less than none really, I had almost no belief in myself whatsoever. I’m not exaggerating in the least, I was the most shy socially awkward weak and underweight kid you can imagine growing up.


I did a lot of mental rehearsal for whatever was required in the Ju-Jitsu grading, it’s something I’ve done for years along with meditation, weight training and Yoga. I credit Ju-jitsu training and the instructors for giving me the kick ass attitude to life I have today. I am indebted to them.

I would run mental movies over and over again in my own mind leading up to the grading test.

I ran through the mental routine of everything I would do, or might be asked to do.

A key thing is I did not just mentally rehearse in a cold mechanical way.

What was important is that I would see myself, in my own mental movie as already being extremely confident, assured, and relaxed. I saw myself as supremely confident and performing all tasks required without error. You know, Batman, Bruce Lee, Goku and Rambo all rolled into one. Total relaxed confidence, a precision engine of mass destruction!


And the great thing was, it worked.

I always APPEARED more confident than I was, and it showed.

In reality I was a nervous wreck. But nobody knew that.

It took several years of this practice, for that confidence to become permanent.

I don’t really need the mental movies so much now, I’m confident at most things, and what I don’t know already, I know I can learn and pick up pretty fast.

That does’t mean I don’t use that practice,

I still do, just not as often.

But if I was go into some arena of life that was completely unknown to me, boy you can bet I would be using those daily mental movies again.

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Batman mentally rehearsed being or becoming Batman for years.

Before he ever became the Dark Knight.

He didn’t wake up one day being the epitome of courage, determination and self-sacrifice.

Batman got there slowly one Bat-breath, one Bat-punch, one Bat-Step at a time.

Bruce Wayne mentally (and physically) rehearsed being Batman, and everything that meant, as well as countless hours of training, (I’d say he started with at least several thousand hours of rigorous training).

He imagined he already was what he wanted to be.

The best goal setters and champions of the world are time travelers.

They have time traveled within their own minds to the near future, and in their own mind, they have ALREADY ARRIVED where they want to be, and already are how they intend to be. And they patiently wait for their body and present reality to catch up to their minds inner vision.

This is one of the secrets of Batman being 10 steps ahead of everybody else in the room. When Gordon or the JLA are working on some tough mental problem, Batman already has the solution, he’s already seen the near future and is waiting for everyone else to catch up. He’s not clairvoyant, and a good Detective has to work through things logically one step at a time, but they also take leaps.

No matter the challenge, in his own mind, Batman has already beaten it. This is where his supreme confidence comes from. Even when he loses, he wins, his enemies reveal their weaknesses to him unknowingly when they beat him. It’s all feedback for Batman, who is going to go away, train and come back even better than before.

I think with the right BATITUDE, all things are possible.

To be a little more like Batman, we can and should use mental movies to boost our own confidence at whatever we want to do in life, and to be as specific and detailed as possible in those mental movies. Your body is your slave, it does whatever you ask it to do without question, it literally has no choice. Your mind is your own garden to grow as you damn well please.

It’s no guarantee that you will succeed at anything at all, that’s a fantasy. We all fail and do stupid things. So what, with ongoing practice of mental movies and Batitude, win or lose – we take it all as feedback, as fuel for greatness.

We can apply that practice to just about anything.

Getting a new job, starting a new sport or martial art, becoming a better brother, husband, son or father. There literally is no limit to what mental movies we can run in our own minds on a regular basis.

We project the BEST version of ourselves into our mental movies we can imagine at present, we see it, feel it, smell it and know it. Then we wait for reality to catch up.

And slowly, one Bat-Step at a time, one Bat-Breath at a time we become on the outside, the person we already know we are on the inside.

We bring our BATITUDE out from our own dusty minds, we practice something meaningful in our outer lives that we can focus and channel all our best qualities into.

We still have to do the hard work of learning any actual skill, of endless training and learning.

There are no shortcuts.

But whatever you DO in life, you will be 10 times more effective with the right kind of mental movies, and the right kind of BATITUDE.

Those mental movies become the future versions of ourselves, so I hope when you watch your own mental movies, you’ve hired the best director (that’s YOU!), the best sound guy, the best actors, and the best soundtrack possible to get you feeling and acting at your best.


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Midnight, R.I.P. and Two Face images by Ai Eye

Full Ai Eye Gallery at Deviant Art http://ai-eye.deviantart.com/gallery/



Mastering Life like Batman: Taking it One Step and One Breath at a Time



One thing I learned from Batman is that Bruce is a lifelong learner.

Some people learn fast, others slow.

Like Batman, I like to take a few months, or even a few years to aquire new skills.

The slower we learn, over a longer period of time, the better it sticks. The less we skip things and take shortcuts.

When we cram in too much too soon, we forget things.

Or sometimes don’t learn much at all.

Fast or slow. Both are good. They have their uses.

But we remember best what we keep using year after year.

So to be like Batman means stripping any topic, or field or study down to the basics, and perfecting those basics over many years.

Martial arts. Gymnastics. Strength Training. Business Plans. Marketing. Swimming. Developing Joker anti-venom, Escaping Batshit crazy death traps.

These are some highlights that any of us can learn, along with hundreds of other skills, but the key is like Bruce, like Batman to take your time. Pick what you really need to know in life and Master it.

Pick your skills and learn them.

Learn them well.

Focus daily, bring your full attention to whatever you are doing and do it well.

Batman knows that what he does on any given day is really not that important.

But what is important is the FOCUS and CONCENTRATION he brings to whatever he does.

It’s part of his skill set, part of his ever adaptable arsenal in his War on Crime.


So slow down,

take a breath…

make it a deep one,

and whatever you do next today…

do it with more Focus…

do it with total Concentration…

Pretend you have trained like Bruce Wayne for many years with some super secret monks away in the Himalayan mountains to master your own mind and body.

Today, Be a master of your own mind.

Exercise your BATITUDE

Let no obstacles stand in your way



–>Amazing art featured in this blog by Saintyak, you can find more fantastic Batman, Hellboy and other cool art by Saintyak at DeviantART http://saintyak.deviantart.com/gallery/

In the Shadow of the Bat Navigating the Daily Grind of Gotham’s Protector


It is one thing to face the world when you are full of confidence, in perfect health, and you have no real troubles – everything is going your way, you feel you can not not fail no matter what, you could even say its easy to live life and face challenges when you are in that state.

But when you are down and out, when you feel depressed, when you’ve lost your job or a relationship, when nothing seems to be going your way, when you’re sick or injured, its another thing entirely just to get through the day, let alone dare greatly or accomplish anything.

One of the things I love about Batman is that he puts up with a lot of physical and emotional trauma, and he just keeps going. At any time when Batman is apprehending super-villains or whoever, you know that like a pro fighter or footy player – he has minor and major injuries.

Batman is rarely injury free, happily content or at his peak on a daily basis. It’s more than likely he’s sore, very tired, had  a string of horrible things happen in any given month and he has every reason to say “Fuck it, tonight I’ll stay home and go to bed feeling sorry for myself”. None of us are at our best in that state, but we function and go on, doing the best we can.

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But the strength of Batman’s character is that he does not have time to feel sorry for himself, his constant injuries and scars, illness or depression – he accepts as the toll of his never ending mission. His compromised social status and lack of societal norms are part of the cost of being Batman. He is forever an outsider, even at times to his own Bat-Family of Alfred, Robin, Batgirl etc.

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Batman’s relationships are rocky territory, they never end well. His night time job is being Batman, and his day time job is being Bruce Wayne, while he works no traditional job, he does accomplishes more in any 24 hour period than most of us do in a day. If you think Jack Bauer does a hardcore job as a counter terrorist agent, well at least Jack Bauer gets holidays.

Batman is Batman 24/7 – 365 days a year. He doesn’t get breaks, he doesn’t get a lunch hour to piss and moan about how inadequate his life is, every hour of being Batman is overtime, but he only pays himself, nobody ever advertised the job of “Being Batman” in the classifieds, but Bruce Wayne turned up anyway. Not just anybody can be Batman, it takes a certain kind of individual to step up to a role that he had to invent himself, and nobody could ever realistically ask anyone to perform the role of “Being Batman”.

Bruce Wayne constantly reinvents himself, as Bruce, as Batman. He’s rarely at his best. He’s usually the underdog and battling the odds, he’s not invincible like some fans (and the odd writer) seem to think. He’s human and fallible. He makes mistakes. He’s often NOT at his best in any given scenario. But that is part of what being Batman is, and what he represents.

How to be a real Batman joke

Batman is the guy who is down in the real shit of life and he makes the best of it. He goes to places most of would never dare to go and says “This is my home, this is what I do, I am Batman, don’t ask me to change”.

For Bruce Wayne, being Batman is his mission in life – for better or worse. It’s painful being Batman, it’s hard work, there are no thank yous, no rewards, just the satisfaction Bruce Wayne has knowing that one more potential victim of violent crime was prevented from his efforts, or that one more kid gets to keep his parents and live a normal life – rather than see them shot down in cold blood in a dark alley – that is the drive and determination that keeps Batman going – however crazy and unrealistic it is, it doesn’t matter. Whatever excuse Bruce tells himself continue being Batman is not important, it only matters that he does what he does with total conviction. And while he is rarely at his best, even Batman at his worst is still damn good at what he does.

I think that’s the kind of person we can all aspire to be. If you can honestly say “Even at my worst, I’m fucking good at what I do” – well you can’t buy that kind of satisfaction. It’s honest, it’s real, it’s something you can look in the mirror and say out loud, without a hint of shame or irony.

Batman is totally committed to being the best Batman he can be, no matter the circumstance, or how bad it gets. That’s the guy I cheer for.

Not the all time winner who has everything go his way, one effortless victory after another. But the guy who just walks through ten tons of shit on a daily basis and when he gets to the end of the day collapses, then gets up the next day eager to do it all again.

That’s the Batman I love.

Like Sisyphus who faced an eternal torment of a boulder that must be rolled or carried up a steep hill, only to have it roll down and be forced to endlessly repeat this task.

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The difference is in perception, for Batman, carrying or pushing that heavy boulder up a hill is not a pointless task, but an ESSENTIAL task.

He gets the job done and says “Is that all you got, I’m not done, I’m just getting warmed up!”

One man grows weak endlessly doing a pointless hard grueling task, while another man grows strong repeatedly enduring the unendurable. In life we can piss and moan about the hard times, or we can use them to grow stronger, like a sword tempered and forged in the harshest of conditions, our iron will, our strength of character is forged in the every day furnace of real life. What’s left after facing such trials is the essential, everything that holds us back gets burned up along the way.

I complain and whine about little things as much as anyone, probably more so, but I keep coming back to that annoying #hashtag…

The one that says wake up and be grateful for the life you have, the one that says grab life by the balls and don’t let go, the one that says we can and should live life on our own terms…

Some call it How To Be Like Batman #HTBLB

Or just plain old #Batitude.

It’s on the door to my mancave, it infuses my daily life, BATITUDE is a constant reminder to be the best I can be in any situation, and when I fall down, when I fail, when everything turns to shit, well plant some flowers, embrace it, do whatever I have to do to get through. In good times, in hard times, things constantly change, but BATITUDE remains.

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