How about a small, simple definition for strength? Ability. To be strong is to have ability. In life, in the gym, and in relationships. The ability to overcome the physical, emotional, or subjective obstacles that hinder our progress as human beings. That is strength – Todd Hargrove

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“The most effectual means of preventing all the disadvantages and evil consequences of a neglected exercise of body and muscles is methodical physical training” – George Hackenschmidt

Muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, mobility, explosive power, grip strength, reaction timing, a strong back, neck and bones thickened from vigorous physical demands are the way of the Bat.

Strength training (also known as Resistance Training) is a kind of voluntary temporary stress imposed upon the body in order to stimulate growth of the heart and lungs, muscle tissue, tendon, ligaments and bones.

Growth in physical culture and in Life comes from Resistance. No Resistance = No Growth

We endure voluntary stress, in our own way, in order to be more capable.
So that in times of in-voluntary stress, we are physically and mentally more adapted to the unpredictable circumstances of life that challenge us beyond our everyday norms.

Our body is our slave and must listen to our mental commands. A weak mind produces a weak body. Doing nothing is an insurance policy in failure. There are many ways to strengthen ones body, mind and spirit freely available.

The Batman employs as many as he is able to, and why should we not do the same?

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For a man to be truly strong, in addition to correct physical training he must also posses something intangible and priceless that can not be taught by even the greatest of teachers – the will to be strong. – George Hackenschmidt

Bloody Bruce Wayne


The Batman forges his strength of will in the heart of his suffering. His will power, as a self willed man is almost unparalled (notable others being Lex Luthor and Hal Jordan). His mind set, will and determination are key characteristics of his psyche.

From suffering and tragedy comes greatness for The Batman. Not all human beings can turn their most painful experiences into reasons for being and living beyond ordinary conditions. Without pain, struggle and sacrifice, life would be meaningless. Without difficulty, Bruce Wayne would lack the capacity to rise above the conditions of his life.

From resistance comes strength.

Strength of of the body, strength of the mind, strength of the will and psyche.

Properly exercised and exorcised, The Batman’s mind is his greatest weapon in the unrelenting struggle not just for against evil and for survivial, but against the unrelenting chaos of an unfair universe and existence itself.

Bruce Wayne has develeoped supreme determination, forbearance and concentration.  From hells heart he stabs at thee.

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“Vulnerability is not winning or losing- it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness – it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.” – Brene Brown

Being vulnerable means being open to life. It means growing up and showing up, daring to act rather than hide away and attempt nothing. Life can and will kick you in the balls (or uterus), and any time you dare to achieve anything, you are going to be vulnerable to your own doubts and insecurities, as well as those looking to take you down a peg in the arena of life. As Brene Brown said in Rising Strong “We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time”.

Being vulnerable means not running from our own emotions and daily challenges in life, but facing them and knowing that we will likely fail more often than we succeed.

Being vulnerable is not limited to suffering, we find vulnerability in joy, vulnerability in  confidence and all aspects of life. To live is be vulnerable. To pretend otherwise is ignorance.

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“We can always better understand and appreciate a man’s real character by the manner in which he conducts himself towards those who are the most nearly related to him, and by his transaction of the seemingly commonplace details of daily duty, than by his public exhibition of himself” – Samuel Smiles

“No man is bound to be rich or great – nor to be wise; but every man is bound to be honest” – Sir Benjamin Rudyard

Aside from Batman’s well known physical attiributes and strength of will, one of his greatest strengths is his personal character. Known to superheroes and villains alike for his honesty, integrity and willingness to sacrifice himself or save a life for a principle. The Batman’s character is beyond reproach. Even his enemies know this to be so.


But what is CHARACTER? Character is the overall qualities or atttributes of an object or thing. Applied to living human beings such as Batman however, it is a combination of all his qualities and things that make him distinct and unique.

Attributes such as Honesty, Integrity, Reliability – in addition to the Batman’s virtues and vices. The Batman’s reputation is well established in the DC Universe, and few would doubt his word or true motivations, such is his character. His personality, his motivations and most of all his actions add up to his personal character.

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The purpose of developing Compassion is not to avoid difficulties – it is quite the opposite. Compassion is about having the courage and the strength to turn towards pain and difficulty within ourselves or for others, because this is what is needed. – Dr Andreas Comninos,  Clinical Psychologist

The Batman perhaps more than anyone is motivated by a desire for people not to suffer.

His own experiences mean when he encounters someone suffering whom he can help he acts from a place of choiceless awareness. Without compassion The Batman would be an unfeeling unsympthetic monster, or a remorseless killing machine.

Compassion distinguishes The Batman from other vigilantes and creatures of the night, making him a unique force for good while operating in the shadows and underbellies of society.

Compassion is seen by the weak and selfish as a weakness, but for those such as Bruce Wayne who have and develop their compassion for their fellow human beings, it is truly a Strength among Strengths.

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denny batman quote


Todd Hargrove Quote on Strength:

Samuel Smiles quote from “Character”, page #15

George Hackenschmidt quotes from “The Way to Live in Health and Physical Fitness”

Compassion Quote from Mindfulness and Clinical Psychology Solutions


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