Mastering Life like Batman: Taking it One Step and One Breath at a Time



One thing I learned from Batman is that Bruce is a lifelong learner.

Some people learn fast, others slow.

Like Batman, I like to take a few months, or even a few years to aquire new skills.

The slower we learn, over a longer period of time, the better it sticks. The less we skip things and take shortcuts.

When we cram in too much too soon, we forget things.

Or sometimes don’t learn much at all.

Fast or slow. Both are good. They have their uses.

But we remember best what we keep using year after year.

So to be like Batman means stripping any topic, or field or study down to the basics, and perfecting those basics over many years.

Martial arts. Gymnastics. Strength Training. Business Plans. Marketing. Swimming. Developing Joker anti-venom, Escaping Batshit crazy death traps.

These are some highlights that any of us can learn, along with hundreds of other skills, but the key is like Bruce, like Batman to take your time. Pick what you really need to know in life and Master it.

Pick your skills and learn them.

Learn them well.

Focus daily, bring your full attention to whatever you are doing and do it well.

Batman knows that what he does on any given day is really not that important.

But what is important is the FOCUS and CONCENTRATION he brings to whatever he does.

It’s part of his skill set, part of his ever adaptable arsenal in his War on Crime.


So slow down,

take a breath…

make it a deep one,

and whatever you do next today…

do it with more Focus…

do it with total Concentration…

Pretend you have trained like Bruce Wayne for many years with some super secret monks away in the Himalayan mountains to master your own mind and body.

Today, Be a master of your own mind.

Exercise your BATITUDE

Let no obstacles stand in your way



–>Amazing art featured in this blog by Saintyak, you can find more fantastic Batman, Hellboy and other cool art by Saintyak at DeviantART

3 thoughts on “Mastering Life like Batman: Taking it One Step and One Breath at a Time

  1. ”Pretend you have trained like Bruce Wayne for many years with some super secret monks away in the Himalayan mountains to master your own mind and body.”

    I do love this bit. Sometimes that ‘fake’ part of motivation is just as effective

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s it, it’s all about getting to the state you want to be in, and using whatever works for you. The more you do that, but consistenly in alignment with your own core values year after year, well then you truly become more like Batman


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