Batitude 2.0


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Batman is an Idea.

Batman is a Mind set.

Batman is an Attitude to Life.

To be like Batman means to be uncompromising in what matters most to you in life.
To never compromise on becoming the greatest version of yourself you and only you can imagine and realize.


What I love about Batman more than anything is his ATTITUDE to life.

It’s an Attitude that does not sit back and ask permission or make excuses in life, Batman’s Attitude is all about:

“I CAN and I WILL,

I DO and I DARE”


I love Batman’s mental focus, I love his clarity of vision and relentless determination towards any goal or task he sets himself.

I love his laser-like focus, that unbroken gaze of awareness that blazes through all obstacles like a force of nature.

Batman makes bold strides towards his goal or mission one step at a time, one breath at a time, one idea at a time.


Batman is fiction, he ain’t real.

Batman is only an idea.

Our Thoughts are only ideas.

And our Attitudes are ideas given focus.

BATITUDE is where fiction, pure ideas, dreams and YOU meet in a timeless ever present reality, the reality of your own mind.

Batman by Cicros 2.jpg

To be like Batman means seeing the best and worst in yourself and not letting any of it hold you back, but instead using the conditions of your life to propel you forward like a Bat out of Hell.

You don’t make excuses not to do what truly matters to you.

Instead you make excuses for why you HAVE to do something that passionately madly matters to you.
Batman Bat out of hell controversial album cover

To Be Like Batman means having an uncompromising attitude to living your highest values and total accountability for your actions.

To Be Like Batman means kicking ass and taking names, and the person whose ass usually needs kicking the most is our own. We need to kick the ass of crappy thinking, of small ideas and excuses for not living the life we know we ought to live, we need to kick the ass of our own attitude and limited beliefs, any idea that says;

“I can’t, I’m no good, I’m worthless, I am shit,  I am hopeless, I am too big/small/fat/tall/skinny” – every one of those limited and false beliefs needs nothing less than the unrelenting fury of the Batman Attitude to life, the Attitude of never ending learning and self-growth and a determination to be the most authentic sincere and true  human being we can be. The Attitude of high minded intentions and simply daily steps towards living those ideals and intentions.

Batman Shadow splash

BATITUDE means getting out of your own way, putting aside small excuses, putting aside small ideas and stinking thinking.

BATITIDE means accepting the responsibility for living life on your own terms and not second guessing yourself.

BATITUDE doesn’t mean charging forward blindly in life, with a scattershot attention that jumps from one thing to another.

BATITUDE means taking focused and precise actions towards our goals and daily tasks in life, being immune to criticism from others.

BATITUDE means having an unwavering laser-like Zen focus that destroys all perceived obstacles calmly and effortlessly.

BATITUDE means “praying not for an easy life, but the strength to endure a difficult one”

BATITUDE  means accepting problems and difficulties are the necessary fuel on the road to greatness.


As a trained hand knocks in a nail precisely and accurately with a hammer  – our own minds, our own actions, our own Attitudes are as precise and focused as we train them to be.

Why waste time being mediocre?

Be the best you can be!

Not in comparison to anyone else in the world, be the best YOU that only you and no one else on the planet can be.

“I Can and I Will, I Do and I Dare”

Be Like Batman

Batman red lightning shadow

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