Lessons From The Dark Knight: The Power of Preparation, Planning, and Execution

When you make dangerous situations the norm,

When you have skills for exceptional out of the ordinary situations,

when you’ve trained and put hundreds of hours in


… like Batman you are well prepared.

Part soldier

Part cop

Part man of mystery

Batman makes unknown, hostile and dangerous environments part of his everyday world.

When a dangerous situation appears and everyone is running away in a panic,

Batman is the calm focused creature of the night heading into the heart of the storm.

batman in lightning storm1 year zero 800

The opening moments in the Batman Arkham Asylum video game –

when all hell is breaking loose,

Batman walks into the shit, calmy – like its just another day.

Already strategising, communicating with Alfred or Batgirl and wading boldy into the chaos all around him

Dealing with each problem, each new threat

one punch…

and one step at a time.

It is that fine line of crossover from fiction to reality

going against ones natural instinctive response

– walking into danger rather than away from it-

And reminds me of emergency service workers, police, ambos, fire fighters and also special forces.

People who wade hip and neck deep into danger

People who wade into daily shitstorms as part of their normal routine.

Batman vs Deathstroke cropped1

Being comfortable and prepared

in uncomfortable, unpredictable and highly dangerous situations takes many hours of training

…and exposure to stressors

It takes a certain kind of individual to be up to the challenge.

Most of us go to pieces in such volatile unpredictable situations.

Even then, the most prepared Bat-person in the world can still go to pieces under pressure.

Batman vs Deathstroke cropped2

All of us are fallible, even the mighty Batman fails –

but the important part…

is being Prepared

and Turning Up

to face a challenge in the first place.

batman prepared computer 500

Boldy striding forward, one Bat step at a time.

Preparation, Planning, Execution

batman punching bag training sweat1




This is the way of the Bat.

bat flying 1

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5 thoughts on “Lessons From The Dark Knight: The Power of Preparation, Planning, and Execution

  1. I think as kids we all dream of growing up to be The Batman. I know I did. I’ve been a fan ever since seeing Batman 89 and to this day Bruce Wayne as Batman embodies so many of the qualities I strive to attain – strength, power, bravery, justice, and fundamental goodness. The Batman is an idealization of the man so many us wish we were and try to be.

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